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Climate Change PDF Stampa E-mail
Scritto da Sisto Bruni   
Domenica 17 Dicembre 2017 19:22


Climate change: a reality that we must not underestimate.

Every day we witness sudden changes in temperature with high droughts followed by heavy rains of short duration.
While you are reading this newsletter, the temperature is definitely winter, we must not forget that up to 15 days ago the rivers of northern Italy were below the minimum historical level and some of them were completely dry.

In a few days we passed from the emergency drought to the emergency flood with consequent phenomena of hydrogeological instability that caused problems not only to humans but also to animals and plant species, with the disappearance of the precious and varied biodiversity.

You all know the cause: the current rate of carbon emissions - CO2 and CH4 - is unprecedented in the geological history of the Earth and as a result its effects are largely unpredictable

Until today, world leaders have taken on too weak a commitment to reach the 2 ° C target agreed in Paris (link climate agreement), but this threshold is the last hope to avoid heavy droughts, storms, floods and waves of hot.
According to environmentalists, the problem of climate agreements is that they are not binding. So each of the signatories can violate them without this leading to a conviction or sanction. (see USA position of Donanld Trunp). Furthermore, the objectives are not very ambitious and the proposed reductions are marginal and hypothetical.


What can we do?

Scientists and environmentalists agree that more environmental care is needed to save the climate.

The time has come to change the pace. Today, no policy is written specifically for climate change, but in the same way no policy ignores this phenomenon anymore, because the effects are perceived by everyone.

It does not therefore remain that to contain the damages waiting for definitive solutions that at the moment do not seem to be on the horizon.

  1. The safety of our territory from the hydrogeological risk with an organic and generalized plan represents a form of adaptation to an immutable situation in the short and medium term.
  2. The obligatory choice of an increasingly massive investment in renewable energy and the reduction of all emissions related to human activities.
  3. Changing the way in which we manage soils stop the wild cementing and implement reforestation to obtain very effective results in climate mitigation.

It is necessary to block a perverse mechanism: The more the greenhouse effect increases the more the ice melts (link article ice melting). The ice, especially the polar one, is the natural thermostat that helps keep the planet's temperature relatively low. Once melted, nothing will counteract the temperature increase -

Ultimo aggiornamento Domenica 17 Dicembre 2017 19:52